Just a day after the website that crashes Safari made the rounds on social media, Apple has already issued a fix according to BuzzFeed News. I tried loading the page that crashes your browser (crashsafari.com), and it looks like the issue is fixed, at least on OS X.
Now, when you load the website in Safari for OS X, the page loads indefinitely. You can just close the tab and move on with your digital Internet web browsing.
As a reminder, CrashSafari loads a tiny bit of JavaScript that makes the address longer by adding characters, creating an incredibly long address. After a while, Safari didn’t know how to handle this address and simply crashed. Here’s the JavaScript loop:
var total = "";
for( var i = 0; i < 100000; i++ ) {
total = total + i.toString();
history.pushState(0,0, total );
On iOS, the issue is a bit more problematic. Going to the website in Safari crashes iOS. I’ve tried clearing my cache and loading the website, but my iPhone is still crashing. It’s unclear whether we have to wait for Apple’s next iOS update.
If you accidentally click on a CrashSafari link on your iPhone, the good news is that you can still use Safari after your iPhone reboots. Safari won’t try to reload the website again.
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